Hellenistic crouching Venus, c.1st century BC
Clara Klinghoffer, Portrait of the artist Pratima Devi Tagore (1893-1969)
Greek red-figure plastic vase, Athens, c.470-450 BC, attributed to Sotades
Edouard Boubat (French, 1923-1999), Self-Portrait, 1948
Hellenistic head of Venus, c.2nd-1st century BC
Greek stele for the son of Philonides, Egypt, Naucratis, 2nd-mid 1st century BC
Man Ray (American, 1890-1976), Portrait of Aïcha Goblet (1898-1972) wearing a Paul Poiret turban, July, 1922
Greek enthroned goddess, Thebes, c.540-520 BC